
Showing posts from May, 2019

My Eye was Removed!

On Wednesday, I had my left eye removed.  It had ruptured again, and was oozing, and it hurt.  And I couldn't see out of it anyway.  So, now it is gone and I am glad!  I can see a little with my right eye, and I feel great!  Except I have to wear this cone for three weeks. My foster mom loves me a lot, and one of the things she loves about me is my ears.   See how I can hold up the right ear, the left ear, or both ears?  :) Thanks for checking in on me!  


Right?  Adorable!  I sure am.  :)

My Eye is Going to be Removed!

This is one of the last pictures of me with both of my eyes! On Wednesday, the 15th of May, my left eye is coming out (eye removal is called an enucleation).  This eye has ruptured twice. It is painful, and the vets say I can't see out of it anyway.  I will feel much better when it is gone. Wish me luck! I will still be adorable once it is gone.  :)

Lap Time with my Foster Dad

It is a rainy Sunday here in Virginia, and I am enjoying a short nap in my foster dad's lap!  I love lap time! You can see a place above my nose where it looks like my hair has been scraped off.  When I first was rescued from my former owner, I looked like I had received injuries to my face.  When my foster parents got me, I had a scab above my nose and it finally has fallen off!  Now I am waiting for my hair to grow back in. While I am waiting, I am going to do a little more napping. Thanks for checking in!  Please check back again soon!

My Ride to My BDRA Foster Home!

Here I am, on my way through Virginia to my Blind Dog Rescue foster home!  My foster mom sat in the back with me while my foster dad drove.  During the ride, I alternated between being curious and napping and eating treats. In the last couple of weeks, I had been taken from my former owner, spent some time at the ER Vet, then spent a few days in Georgia with Beth, and then came up to Virginia.  That is a lot of change for a small dog in a short period of time! I wasn't sure what was going on and what would happen next, but I knew my life was changing in wonderful ways!